Our Broan 99010303F filters are manuctured to meet or exceed OEM quality and are fully compatible with the name brand (OEM) model.

Broan 99010303F Compatible Replacement Hood Filter by Filter Everything - 11-3/4 x 17-1/4 x 3/8 (2-Pack)

Filter Everything
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Replacement range filter made by Filter Everything and compatible with Broan 99010303F. Dimensions measure 11-3/4 x 17-1/4 x 3/8 inches. Sold as a 2-Pack. Our filters are manuctured to meet or exceed OEM quality and are fully compatible with the name brand (OEM) model. Aluminum filters should be cleaned every 60-90 days; carbon filters should be replaced every 6-9 months.; carbon filters should be replaced every 6-9 months. Proudly packed and shipped from our facility near Cleveland, OH.